News Details

David Castellucci, 2016 MIA President

News Date: 01.01.2016

David Castellucci has been named 2016 MIA President. David is Director of Business Development at Kenneth Castellucci & Associates, Inc., an MIA Accredited Commercial A Contractor company in Lincoln, Rhode Island. He has been involved in many facets of the stone industry, including nearly twenty years working with stone countertops. Castellucci looks forward to working through MIA+BSI's five key initiatives - Dimension Stone Design Manual expansions, Development of industry advocacy groups, Increased quarrier safety programs, Development of legislative outreach and Natural Stone Promotional Campaign - during 2016. 
Castellucci stated: "It is our diversity and our global presence that gives this organization its strength and continued innovation. By maintaining the highest industry standards and embracing a strong spirit of inclusiveness for every segment of our industry, MIA+BSI will move into the future as an amazing, dynamic global force of which all members can be proud."
