Distribution >

Stone Panorama Magazine is published on a quarterly basis. 9,100 copies per quarter are published. Every quarter the magazines are sent to International Building and Stone Events abroad depending on the scale of the exhibition.

Why you should advertise in Stone Panorama Magazine?

  • To manage a brand image – Our Magazine approaches to all corporate houses and key personal related to the Natural Stone Industry, so when your advertisement will flash at these places, your product will be enlarged and picture about your product will be highlighted.

  •  To create a vast corporate profile – Our Magazine reaches to all type of business segments, big and small both, wherever any commercial activity linked with Stone Industry, happens. So, your association with us will bring you in news with more and more companies.

  • To build a huge PR – When we publish your advertisement in our Magazine, we insist on educating our readers about the products first .we want the readers to understand  about your company profile, working nature, achievement and future projects etc, so when this information will walk outside, a massive promotion and exposure will follow your organization automatically. Thus your Public Relations will become strong.

  • For global appearance – When you advertise with us, your brand is highlighted on a global level. The magazine once printed is also uploaded on the magazine’s website www.stonepanorama.com . And with our various marketing and promotion activities we attract a lot of overseas readers to read the magazine online, providing our advertisers international exposure.
